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Last Booking:

Date from 2025-08-08 | Kemp Alegro
2 x 2B Bungalow , 2 Personen

Date from 2025-04-18 | Camping Jiskra Harrachov
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Date from 2025-04-18 | Vodácké tábořiště Loket
1x Zelt - 2 Personen mit Fahrrad

Date from 2025-08-11 | Koupaliště a kemp Zákupy
1x místo pro obytnou dodávku, 2 dospělí a 2 děti4L chata s WC

Date from 2025-07-24 | Rekreační areál KAMÍNKA
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Date from 2025-04-17 | Autocamp Jiskra Nový Bor
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cca 10 míst pro stan (děti do 15 let) a 2 dospělí01 pokoj

Date from 2025-08-02 | Chaty u lesa Karlovy Dvory

Date from 2025-06-28 | Autokemp Bílina Kyselka
4 luzkova chata

Date from 2025-05-03 | Kemp a Hotel Mezní Louka
1x místo pro obytný vůz + 2 dospělí + 2 děti + 1 pes

Tábořiště ŠPINKA

  • Olešnice u Čeveného Kostelce, osada 2 čp 106, 54941 Route search »
  • District:Náchod
  • Region:Hradec Králové region
  • Area:Náchodsko
  • Opening date:01.06. - 30.09. Altitude:420 m a.s.l.
my Box

Špinka campground is located on the banks of the pond Špinka, on approx 5000 m2 of grassy area and it is divided into three parts. One part is located in the reception area - there are parked caravans with all year stay, the second part next to the beach - it is suitable for tents and caravans - it is covered with trees in some places, so there are also shady places. The third part is located behind the woods, away from the reception - there is utter peace and it is suitable for both tents and caravans, but there is not the possibility of electric connection. Almost in the middle of the campground there are reception, showers and washrooms. There is a drinking water. Hot water is provided by solar heating and boiler. Near the reception in the forest are toilets. Next to the reception there is Kelis snack bar with seating, public beach, playground for football or volleyball and petanque. About 150 meters further there is a kiosk, where you can buy basic needs, food and to order baked go


  • Telephone:00420 602 162 561
  • Telephone:00420 776 552 084


  • Tents places:
    yes, 50 places
  • Camping places:
    yes, 10 places el.sockets 25A
  • Bungalow/Cottage:
    yes, 6B Cabin
  • Building:

Swimming, refreshment, tourism, sport offer


In the area of the campground Špinka there is a Kelis - BAR - seasonal kiosk with fast food with a capacity of 80 seats under a large tent which is equipped with retractable side walls in case of bad weather, as the other 50 seats under umbrellas. Here you can eat good food drink draft beer Staropramen 10 °, 11 °, amber beer grenades, malinovka PRIMÁTOR and 12 ° KRAKONOŠ.


The campground is located on the banks of a natural pond Špinka of approximately 40 hectares. In the central part of the campground near the reception is a grassy beach with gradual entry into the water with a sandy bottom. It is possible to swim in the whole area c withampground.

Sport and entertainment:

There is camping available clay playground suitable for ball games, tennis, and also a petanque court. The pond is large enough for surfing and there is also a boat and paddle rental. In the surroundings there are plenty of cycle paths.

Tourism: Tourism »

Špinka je také dobrou základnou pro výlety do okolí bohatého krásnými a zajímavými místy, ať už pěšky, na kole, nebo autem. Na podzim je tu pravý houbařský ráj.


Camp equipment:
  • Drinking water
  • Toilets
  • Warm shower
  • Kitchen
  • Washing-mashine
  • Children's room/place
  • Barrier-free toilets
  • Barrier-free showers
  • Internet/WiFi/PC
  • Reception/Infocenter
  • 24 hours service
  • Area completely fenced
  • Place - Elektricity conection
  • Place - water
  • Place - Waste/Drain for WC
  • Post box
  • Common room
  • Dog/Animal
  • Parking place
  • Bike storage
  • Fireplace/broiling
  • Restaurant
  • Shop
  • Credit Card
Cottage/Bungalows equipment:
  • Shower
  • WC
  • Water
  • Heating
  • Internet/WiFi
  • Television
  • Fridge
  • Kitchenette/stove
  • Dishes
  • Bedclothes
  • Extra bed
  • El. socket
  • Barrier-free accommodation
  • klima
  • Dog/Animal
  • Shower
  • WC
  • Water
  • Heating
  • Internet/WiFi
  • Television
  • Barrier-free accommodation
  • Fridge
  • Kitchenette/stove
  • Dishes
  • Bedclothes
  • Extra bed
  • klima
  • Dog/Animal

Price list

Season(summer) off-season Season(summer) off-season
Person: 2.80€/day 2.00€/day Bus: - - 6.00€/day
Child: 2.00€/day 1.20€/day Electricity: 2.80€/day 2.80€/day
Tent: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day Animal: 1.00€/day 0.80€/day
Car: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day Recreational fee: 0.20€/day - -
Motorcycle: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day *Cottage/Mobilhome: 40.00€/day 8.00€/day
Caravan: 3.20€/day 4.00€/day *Building: - - - -
6L chatka
min. 1000Kč/den při obsazení 4 a méně lůžek / 1.250,- při obsazení 5 lůžek / 1.500,- při obsazení 6 lůžek / přistýlka pro 7. a 8. ubytovaného + 150Kč / 1ks / noc

Celosezónní pronájem místa pro karavan 7.000,-
Celosezónní pronájem místa pro maringotku (do 18m2) 7.000,-
Celosezónní pronájem místa pro mobilhaus (více než 18m2) 9.000,

Jednorázové poplatky za odpadky a WC (30Kč poplatek obci + 65Kč poplatek dopady a WC)
* The Price can be for whole unit.
Last update 2023, Actual prices on»

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Tents places: 50 places
Camping places: 10 places el.sockets 25A
6B Cabin
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Booking directly with the owner without commission.
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30. 07. 2024
From: T.Gredy

Fotografie a informace by bylo třeba aktualizovat mnohé se již změnilo.

07. 08. 2015
From: Vlasta Hanischová

Dobrý den,
chtěla bych se zeptat na nálezy věcí v rámci tábořiště Špinka, zda pokud věc v rámci areálu naleznete, zda je možné si věc osobně vyzvednout, případně zaslat na adresu za dobírku.
Partner, Václavkožíšek, navštívil se synem tábořiště Špinka a toto pondělí zapomněl u sociálního zařízení, položené přes dřevěný trám pánské triko a chlapecké boxerky. Vím, že dle provozního řádu tábořiště, dle bodu 10. si za veškerý majetek zodpovídá návštěvník. I přesto jsem se rozhodla, že se Vás touto cestou zeptám.

S pozdravem
Vlasta Hanischová

(The reviews of satisfied visitors are here, all reviews are in Reviews »)