Since the season of 2008, Yachtclub Pardubice offers accommodation in separate cottage facility at the dam of Seč - Ústupky. Cottages have four beds, a table, wardrobe and a bench. You can also use the communal, newly-reconstructed sanitary facilities and showers. You can have your own food or have your meals in the neighbouring hotel, Kapitán. The camp is covered with wi-fi signal so you can connect to the Internet from your notebook.
Refreshment:in a restaurant which is appr. 50 m from here
Swimming:in the dam of Seč, indoor and outdoor swimming pool in Hotel Jezerka
Sport and entertainment:Courts for volleyball, football-tennis, ping-pong, petanque, a playground; renting office which offers boats, pedal boats, rackets, bats, nets or balls; fishing
Tourism » Hoješín (1 km) - castle
Oheb (2 km) - castle ruins
Klokočov (2 km) - castle
Vildštejn (2 km) - castle torso
Seč (3 km) - castle
Běstvina (5 km) - castle
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