Useful information
Exchange rates for CZK:
Exchange mid rates ČNB
(Czech national bank)
Czech phone code: 00420 xxx xxx xxx
Prices of highway signs in the CR for 2023:
You can buy on or on gas station EuroOil or Czech post, there is no paper vignette, you must insert your reg.plate number to state payment system. Motorbike is free.
![](/images/znamky-cr_logo.jpg) |
Time / Weight |
Car to 3.5 t |
Car over 3.5 t |
1 day |
200 CZK |
toll |
10 days |
270 CZK |
toll |
1 Month |
430 CZK |
toll |
1 Year |
2300 CZK |
toll |
Map of paid highways in Czech Republic:
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