Bungalow is located about 15 minutes from Bystřicka dam, 12 km from Vsetín, 13 km from Valašské Meziřiči and 14 km from Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. The bus stop is 300 m from the village, railway station is 5 km away. There is a summer theater nearby. The settlement is convenient for parents with children, school trips, dog owners, etc..
Refreshment:There is a possibility of cooking in equipped kitchen. It is equipped with 2 fridges, 2 cookers, sufficient number of dishes, incluiding plates and pots. Or you can have half or full board in local restaurants. Drinks, ice-cream, etc. are available in a camp kiosk.
Swimming:There is a swimming possibility in the dam,which is 200 m away, boat and treddle rent. There is an indoor pool in Valasske Mezirici - 10 km, in Vsetín -14 km, in Roznov - 14 km.
Sport and entertainment:Volleyball court, fishing, tennis in the area of a local sport center which is 2 km away
Tourism » Hiking and cycling in the neighbourhood, summer cinema, Wallachian Museum in a nature in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm,Museum of Wallachia region in Vsetín, Technical Car Museum in Koprivnice, etc.
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