Na Nivnickou riviéru jezdíme opakovaně již několik let a stále se budeme vracet. Je to tady super, od ubytování, přes služby....koupaliště, stravování, sportovní vyžití, možnosti výletů po okolí. Dobrou duší celého kempu je pan správce František Kolacia. Bez něj by dle nás kemp neměl takovou skvělou pověst a možná ani lidé by se rádi nevraceli. Je to prostě o lidech. Děkujeme za další nádhernou dovolenou strávenou na Nivnické riviéře. 🙂 Renata, Jiří, Ivanka a Cherry
Nivnice Riviera resort is an oasis of summer water sports and fun for the whole family. It provides 33-meter pool for fitness and recreational swimming, children's pool for the smallest and the possibility of cheap accommodation such as camping or in the cottages. Swimming is possible from the period of mid-June to late August. Position of this recreational area is an ideal base for walking and cycling trips to the nearby White Carpathian Mountains, you can also visit a nearby spa Luhacovice, Buchlov castle and other interesting sights. The device has excellent conditions for sports events, school trips,corporate events, class reunions and family vacations. White Carpathians, which begin just outside the village, offer a suitable terrain for hikers and bikers, and many natural attractions for nature lovers.