Car camp Hradec is situated in a beautiful ambient about 6km from town Kadaň in direction of Žatec, not far from river Ohře and big sport pond.
Refreshment:In the car camp site there is a garden covered restaurant with possibility of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and also a kiosk with refreshment and groceries, where you can buy fresh pastry daily.
Swimming:Natural swimming pool with.
Sport and entertainment:At disposal sport ground (football-tennis, volleyball, tennis), table tennis and children attractions (sand-pit, carousel, seesaw, climbing constructions,toboggans and children corner for the smallest).
Possibility of renting mountain bikes and rafts. Further fishing boats for 100Kč per day.
Tourism » Perštejn (14.4 km) in surroundings castle Kadaň(2.9 km),monastery Franciscans, church Panny Marie a Čtrnácti svatých pomocníků, ,Funkštejn(7.5 km),Egerberk(8.7 km), castle Hasištejn(9.7 km),ruins of castle Šumburk(11.4 km), Perštejn(14.4 km), chateau Krásný Dvůr(13.1 km)
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