Permanently closed! Yachtclub is situated by the Nachranická dam lake which can be found in the north-west Bohemia on the river Ohře.
Refreshment:a restaurant
Swimming:Nechranická lake
Sport and entertainment:Water sports: yacthing, windsurfing, boats..
Tourism » You can visit Kadaň (10.9 km),Krásný Dvůr castle (11.4 km),klášter františkánů s kostelem Panny Marie a Čtrnácti svatých pomocníků, Kadaň tower, Sv. kopeček, Strážiště (12 km),Stekník castle(14.8 km),Hasištejn stronghold (15.6 km), Nepomyšl castle (16.5 km) and Líčkov (16.6 km).
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