The campsite is located in the village Houžná, still in Pošumaví, several hundreds of meters from Šumava. Beautiful countryside in the neighbourhood appears clearly. In the location, you can refresh yourself in the local restaurant, do shopping in the grocery or make fire and bake something. You can swim in Teplá Vltava.
Refreshment:In the location, you can refresh yourself in the local restaurant, do shopping in the grocery or make fire and bake something.
Swimming:In the river - Teplá Vltava
Sport and entertainment:Canoing. Swimming. Fishing. Cycling.
Tourism » Kunžvart (6 km) - castle ruins
Castle on Stožecká rock (6 km) - castle torso
Hus (11 km) - castle ruins
Vimperk (14 km) - castle
Haselburg (14 km) - castle
Hausberk (20 km) - castle torso
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