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Nearest camps:

Tábor Javorníček

Javorník na Šumavě 2Km

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Chatky Vodník

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Strašice 10Km

Chata Otík

Kašperské Hory 11Km

ATC Radešov kemp

Rejštejn 12Km

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Best rated camps:

Autokemp Frenštát pod Radhoštěm

Frenštát pod Radhoštěm 4.91 points

Resort Čochtan s.r.o.

Lázně Bohdaneč 4.82 points

Tábořiště a Krmítko

Český Krumlov 4.73 points

Minikemp Harta

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My viewed:

Autocamp Slunečná

Černý Důl Hradec Králové region

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Stříbro Plzeň region

Rekreační areál Revika

Vizovice Zlín region

Autokemp Komorník

Kunžak South Bohemia

Autokemp Radost

Pňovany Plzeň region

Last Booking:

Date from 2024-10-04 | Autokemp Třeboň
1 place for auto caravan 2 adults and 1 child 8 years old

Date from 2025-06-10 | Autokemp Velký vír
5x4B oder 3x6B

Date from 2024-10-18 | Autokemp pod Císařem
3 Personen

Date from 2024-11-02 | Autocamp Jinolice
1 person, 1 car

Date from 2025-04-21 | Camping Praha Klánovice*****
Ein Platz für ein wohnwagen und zwei Erwachsene

Date from 2024-10-04 | Kemp Pension Dana Troja
1 Stellplatz,2 Person1 Zimmer für 2Person

Date from 2024-10-09 | Villa Resort Dlouhá Louka
Please offer the cheapest ;-)

Date from 2024-10-20 | Kemp Obora Veltrusy

Date from 2024-10-14 | Kemp a koupaliště Jetřichovice
1x Stellplatz 2 Personen Elektrizität

Date from 2024-10-22 | Autocamp Mělník
1 Wohnmobilstellplatz 2 Pers, 4 Hunde

Video »

Kemp Úbislav - Ádova chatová osada

chatkychatkychatachatachatychatyChata uvnitřChata uvnitřKaravanyKaravanyBistroBistroBistroBistroBistroBistronaše chatynaše chaty
  • Úbislav, Stachy 164, 38473 Route search »
  • District:Prachatice
  • Region:South Bohemia
  • Area:Šumava
  • Opening date:01.05. - 30.09. Altitude:740 m a.s.l.
my Box

Camping site Úbislav is located in a beautiful and peaceful countryside on a fringe of village Úbislav in eastern part of Protected Landscape Park Šumava. This clean environment offers a great holiday for families with children, hikers, cyclists and for relaxation. Accommodation in cabins, tents and caravans.

Our kitchen is managed by French chef and miss confectioner with experience from Hotel Alcron Prague, come to as for the best culinary experience..



  • Tents places:
    yes, 20 places
  • Camping places:
    yes, 12 places, el.sockets 6A
  • Bungalow/Cottage:
    yes, 6x 5B a 3x 3B Cabins
  • Building:

Swimming, refreshment, tourism, sport offer


There is a restaurant and shop in the camping.


Swimminh in a pond about 2km far from the camp site.

Sport and entertainment:

There is a sport ground in the camp for petanque, sport equipment rental (boats, fishing equipment, rockets, bats, balls...) Possibility of fishing, horseback riding. There are discotheques and dancing nights organized in the camp. There is a golf court 1km from the camp site.

Tourism: Tourism »

Hiking and cycling. You can visit castles Záluží(6km),Vimperk(10km),Haselburk(10km), castle by Strašín(6,5km),fortresses Dobrš(7km)and Volyň(16km),ruins of castles Pustý Hrádek(9km)and Kašperk(10km),Church of Saint Andělů Strážných(17km),tower Svatobor(19km)...


Camp equipment:
  • Drinking water
  • Toilets
  • Warm shower
  • Kitchen
  • Washing-mashine
  • Children's room/place
  • Barrier-free accommodation
  • Barrier-free toilets
  • Barrier-free showers
  • Internet/WiFi/PC
  • Reception/Infocenter
  • 24 hours service
  • Place - Elektricity conection
  • Place - Waste/Drain for WC
  • Area completely fenced
  • Post box
  • Common room
  • Dog/Animal
  • Parking place
  • Bike storage
  • Fireplace/broiling
  • Restaurant
  • Shop
  • Credit Card
Cottage/Bungalows equipment:
  • Shower
  • WC
  • Water
  • El. socket
  • Heating
  • Internet/WiFi
  • Bedclothes
  • Extra bed
  • Fridge
  • Kitchenette/stove
  • Dishes
  • Television
  • Shower
  • WC
  • Water
  • El. socket
  • Heating
  • Internet/WiFi
  • Bedclothes
  • Extra bed
  • Fridge
  • Kitchenette/stove
  • Dishes
  • Television

Price list

Season(summer) off-season Season(summer) off-season
Person: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day Bus: - - - -
Child: - - - - Electricity: 6.00€/day 6.00€/day
Tent: 4.80€/day 3.20€/day Animal: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day
Car: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day Recreational fee: 1.20€/day 1.20€/day
Motorcycle: 2.00€/day 2.00€/day *Cottage/Mobilhome: 44.00€/day 34.00€/day
Caravan: 6.80€/day 2.80€/day *Building: - - - -
3L chatka 715Kč/den(mimosezona 555Kč)
5L chatka 1100Kč/den(mimosezona 850Kč)
Sezóna 7-8 měsíc

.png(458Kb)...Ceník 2023
* The Price can be for whole unit.
last Update 2024

Send booking/question

Tents places: 20 places
Camping places: 12 places, el.sockets 6A
6x 5B a 3x 3B Cabins
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Booking directly with the owner without commission.
Booking/question was sent


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15. 09. 2023
From: Klára

Byli jsme letos prvně, moc se nám líbilo. Chatky prostorné, vybavení dostačující. V recepci moc milá paní, s ničím nebyl žádný problém. Počasí nám moc nepřálo, ale díky velikosti chatky nám to nevadilo, zabavili jsme se i uvnitř. Určitě kemp doporučujeme a rádi se vrátíme.

18. 06. 2023
From: Jana

Super.rádi se sem vrátíme

12. 07. 2019
From: Tomáš

10 chatek, spousta místa na stany, karavany. A 1 pánská, 2 dámské sprchy na celý kemp..

03. 10. 2011
From: Pluhař

Opravdu dobrý kemp,skvělá kuchyně,oslice Julča je krásná,hodná a chodí na volno mezi stany,místo i pro karavany

12. 08. 2010
From: jirka

dovolenou jsme strávili ke vší spokojenosti.Za rok se sem určitě vrátíme.děkujeme

(The reviews of satisfied visitors are here, all reviews are in Reviews »)