Atlas recreational resort is situated in a beautiful landscape by the south bohemian pond Hejtman and by the town Chlum u Třeboně. Accomodation available in cottages. This camp is ideal for family holidays, recreation, sport, hiking, cycling, border crossing, fishing, mushroom-picking, forest berries picking and many other activities.
Refreshment:At the camp there is a restaurant and a shop.
Swimming:Swimming in nearby ponds.
Sport and entertainment:At the camp there is volleyball field, table tennis, play ground for children, boat rental. The terrain is suitable for cycling, you can also do fishing in the surroundings.
Tourism » Hiking and cycling. Many interesting monuments in the surroundings, such as: ponds by Vitmanova, Stráž nad Nežárkou castle, Kamenný obloukový most, Třeboň castle, Schwarzenberg´s tomb, sv. Petra a Pavla Church, Nová Bystřice castle, Rožmberk pond, Albeř castle and others.
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