Autocamp U Čerta is situated in a calm part of South Bohamian ponds between Staňkov (0,5km) and Chlum u Třeboně (1km). The recreation suitable for families with children, sportsmen, fishers and other sportsmen. Accomodation available inside the building, in cottages, tents and caravns.
Refreshment:There is a restaurant "U Čerta" at the camp.
Swimming:Swimming by the north shore of Hejtman pond.
Sport and entertainment:Sport ground, sport gear rental (flatboat, canoe, table tennis, blow-up mattress, safety waistcoats for children, nets, balls, various rocktes and bats)are at your disposal at the camp. You can do fishing right at the camp.
Tourism » Hiking and cycling. Many interesting monuments int he surroundings, e.g. Stráž nad Nežárkou castle, Kamenný obloukový most, Třeboň castle, Schwarzenberg´s tomb, Nová Bystřice castle, sv. Petra a Pavla Church, Beistein stronghold, Rožmberk pond, Jemčina castle, ruins of Albeř and others.
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