The minicamp Plecháč is situated in the picturesque landsacape of Southern Bohemian ponds in the Staňkov (about 13km from Trebon) by the pond Staňkov. Accomodation available inside the building, in tents or in caravans. Suitable for families with children, hiking, cycling or recreation.
Refreshment:There is a shop and a restaurant at the camp.
Swimming:There are many ponds suitable for swimming in the surroundings of the camp.
Sport and entertainment:There is a beach volleyball field and a children playground at the camp.
Tourism » There are many cyclo routes and routes for walking in the surroundings. You can visit the monuments such as: Stráž nad Nežárkou castle, Saint Peter´s and Paul´s Church, Nová Bystřice castle, Kamenný obloukový bridge, Beistein stronghold, Třeboň castle, Schwarzenberg´s tomb, the ruin Albeř.
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