Zvůle cottage settlement is located in a beautiful area of Czech Canada and it is located near the pond Zvůle. Great holiday cottages are equipped with kitchen and some also with bathrooms. Accommodation is provided in reconstructed in 2-5 bed cottages or in 4-6 bed cottages with kitchen, toilet and shower, futher there is a possibility of accommodation in 2-6 bed apartments in the guesthouse. There is a possibility to buy half board in the pub Czech Canada.
Refreshment:kiosk with refreshments, canteen, restaurant and gaming club.
Swimming:Kunžak pond with a beach
Sport and entertainment:sand volleyball court,football pitch, table tennis, children's playground with a castle
Tourism » Turistic area around Česká Canada, Vysoký kámen, Adam a Eva, Čihadlo, Graselova sluj, Hamerský vrch (hill), Kunějovský vrch, Schillerovy kameny (stones), Šibeník, Trkal, Zvůle. Ponds and dams of Česká Kanada – Krvavý rybník (Bloody pond), Zvůle, Osika, dam Landštejn, „Matějovský“ bog pond, ponds - Klikov, Kačlež, and other small ponds… Nature Reserve Hadí vrch (Snake Hill) - juniper stands with acidophilous herbal and bush floor situated on the rubble of Krvavý and Kačležský pond - reeds, bog and wet meadows. Wetland protected plant species. Skalák u Senotína
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