MELCHIOROVA HUŤ is a recreational site in pleasant and calm environment in the middle of the forests near Plzeň. It is an ideal place for your summer and winter sport workshops, seminars, trainings and family stays. In the surroundings, there are excellent conditions for hiking or cycling.
Refreshment:The restaurant offers an excellent cuisine with the menu adjusted due to the structure of visitors. Also a buffet and bar (alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, beer, coffee, ice-cream sundaes, and other additional range of goods).
Swimming:For swimming, you can use the outdoor swimming pool (in summer, you can use it for swimming, and in winter, you can use it as an ice rink).
Sport and entertainment:courts for football, handball, volleyball, and tennis
running track
bicycle renting office
sports equipment renting office
Tourism » We recommend you to visit near-by castle of Bezdružice, Nečtiny, Manětín, church of Teplá and Konstantinovy Lázně.
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