A camp-site at the river Jizera, there is Riegrova stezka (Riegr´s trail) near here and Dolomit caves. At the road from Železný Brod to Podspálov, appr. 3 km from Žel. Brod. Pleasantly undulating terrain is ideal for undemanding tourism and cycling. The river of Jizera invites you to do water sports there.
Refreshment:in the village, there are lots of restaurants
Swimming:swimming pool in Železný Brod
Sport and entertainment:Žel. Brod offers a wide range of sports activities (public swimming pool with water slide,tennis courts covered by inflatable pressure hall in winter,sports area in the basic school...).The location of the town is also suitable for winter sports(running tracks,downhill courses in adjacent villages).
Tourism » Malá Skála (4.2 km) - castle
Zbirohy (5 km) - castle, ruins
Vranov (5 km) - castle, ruins
Rotštejn (6 km) - castle, ruins
Drábovna (6 km) - castle, torso
Frýdštejn (6 km) - castle, ruins
Jesenný (6 km) - castle, decaying
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