The recreational site Karakul is located in a pine-forest, 5 minutes from the romantic places of sandstone rocks, which allow private swimming without crowded beaches. The main beach Podborný is 800m from there. Karakul lies at the end of the central road which leads through the forest among all the accommodation units. Cottages stand among the trees, on a tidy grassy forest surface. The whole camp area is in the forest and every cottage includes 4-bed room with a terrace. Equipped by chairs, table, wardrobe, shoe rack, terrace, mirror, electric plugs, kitchenette, bedclothes.
Refreshment:in the restaurant and the shop in the camp
Swimming:Near-by romantic places of sandstone rocks allow private swimming without crowded beaches. The main beach Podborný is 800m from there (Máchovo jezero).
Sport and entertainment:Courts for volleyball, football-tennis, tennis, ping-pong; table skittle-ground; playground. The camp also offers renting: bicycles, pedal boats, bats, rackets, nets, boats, surf. Sport tournaments are not exceptional. You can ride horses here, too.
Tourism » Myšlín (2 km) - castle, torso
Doksy (4 km) - castle
Jestřebí (5 km) - castle, ruins
Starý Berštejn (7 km) - castle, ruins
Zahrádky - letohrádek (9 km) - castle, ruins
Bezděz (9 km) - castle, ruins
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