This small camp is located on a southern slope in the heart of the Prachov Rocks. It includes 7 3-bedded cabins equiped with electricity sockets. Enlargment for another person (child) is possible. This fenced area features a kitchenette with a cooker, eletric kettle, microwave oven, refrigerator and utensils. Drinkable water. There are brand new toilets with showers (warm water). Accesible for physically disadvantaged people. People with interest in nature, tourism, clibming and history, or wanting to stay in peacefull area will appreciate this camp and the region.
Refreshment:self-catering, or in restaurants and hotels of the Prachov Rocks (Skalní město -1.5km, Šikmá věž -1.8km, Brada-2km)
Swimming:the nearest: ponds of Jinolice (10-minute slow walk)
Sport and entertainment:peace and quiet of the Prachov Rocks, staying in pictoresque landscape, or enjoying
attractions in the nearby summer resort of Jinolické rybníky and those in the town of Jicin
Tourism » the Prachov Rocks,
the region of Sobotka wish the catle of Kost, palace of Humprecht,
the region of Turnov with the Ruins of Trosky and its valleys, Kozakov mountain, in the region of Hrubá Skála with the castle of Wallenstain,
foot-hills of the Giant Mountains with the Tabor mountain, Kumburk and Brada
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