Jídelna:sice jsme museli čekat v řade ale stejně mi to moc chutnalo. Takže dávám 9.5/10 Pokoje: byly také dobré sice málo místa ale krásné a měkké postele a na některých palandách byly napsané věci. Měli jsme také krásně uklizenou koupelnu takže pokoje byly super. 9.5/10 Bazén:trochu studený ale dalo se. Mohli jsme se tam natáhnout a odpočívat. Sice jsme měli jenom 1 bazén (byly tam 2) napuštěný ale ten byl taky dobrý. Byl krásně čistý takže jsem se nebála že něco chytím.8/10
Our resort is located about 2 km from the village Lounovice under Mount Blanik in protected area Podblanicko about 70 km from Prague. Accommodation in 6 brick houses, each with 8 rooms with a total of 38 beds and entrance hall (clubhouse), which can be used as a classroom. Ideal is one house per class. For pedagogical supervisiors there are rooms with private bathrooms available, for children tehre are shared facilities including showers in the hallway. The capacity is 180 beds. The resort is suitable for schools, meetings, public events, corporate events, dance and other movement practising stays. Also private persons or small groups are welcomed. It is possible to order food in our dining room 5 times a day. There is a lounge, gym, outdoor playground and clubhouse.
Furthermore, 6 cottages type Hubert, each with a large bedroom (5 beds) and living room (5 beds), beds are equipped with bedding sheets. Cottages have its own bathroom with shower, electricity, terrace seating and