You will find Hotel Stein in village Skalka u Chebu in direction of Cheb - Libá in picturesque environment of dam Skalka. Site Stein is destined especially for sport activities and wellness - modern way of relaxation and regeneration not only of body but also of mind. For your children playground and small zoo at your disposal.
Refreshment:In the hotel there is a stylish restaurant with traditional Czech and international cuisine and also Cowboys & Bikers bar. Restaurant Stein is ideal place for family celebrations, social events, company parties and weddings.
Swimming:Close to the hotel Stein there is dam Skalka.
Sport and entertainment:Hotel offers wide spectrum of sport activities and programs. You can do horseback riding, use terrain quadruple motorcycles, cycling, boat and bike rental and fishing.
Tourism » In the surrounding you can make the best of interesting trains for cycling and hiking trips.Visit Chebský castle, volcano Komorní Hůrka, SOOS natural reservation, castle Kynžvart, castle Skalná, castle Seeberg(Ostroh), Maria Loreto, chapel Chlum St. Máří.
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