Camp site Petráškův Dvůr is located in a peaceful and clean environment not far from Protected Landscape Park Blanský les, about 2km from train station Kájov. River Polečnice and Chvalšinský pond form borders of the camp site. Ideal for families with children, hikers and people seeking for relaxation. Accommodation in cabins, caravans and tents.
Refreshment:There is a nice restaurant in the camp site.
Swimming:Swimming in a river and pond nearby.
Sport and entertainment:Many sport activities, there is a court for volleyball, football-tennis, football, petanque, children playground, sport equipment rental (rockets, bats, balls), possibility of horseback riding.
Tourism » Hiking and cycling, many trains in surroundings. You can visit chateau Červený Dvůr(2,5km),castle Český Krumlov(5km),view-tower Kleť(5km),chapel Panny Marie Bolestné(6km),ruins of castles Dívčí Kámen (11km)and Kugvajt(13km),castle Maškovec(15km),torso of castle Hausberk(19km)and others.
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