Mšeno autocamp is situated in the area of Kokořínsko (about 50km form Prague), wich is ideal for forest or rock hiking, cycling, school trips or outdoor courses, company´s meetings, seminars... Accomodation in tents, caravans or lodging houses available.
Refreshment:There is a restaurant in the area of the camp which offers boarding according to client´s wishes.
Swimming:You can swim in Mšeno open air pool which is about 1 km far. Natural lake Hasrasov 10 km. Máchovo lake 20 km.
Sport and entertainment:The camp has 2 football pitches, clay court and grass surfaces, where badminton or rocket games can be played and ohters.
Tourism » Kokořísko region offers wide varitey of trips to forest surroundings, where many gullets, rock formations with dominant kokřínské Poličky can be found. You can also visit romantic stronghold Kokřín or former royal stronghold and nowadays a ruin Bezděz.
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