Date from 2025-08-16 | Autocamp Slavoj 4 L chatka . 1 dospělí a 3 děti
Date from 2025-06-06 | Autocamp Slapy Skalice 1x Stellplatz mit el.An. am Wasser, 1 Person + 1 Kind1x Hütte 2 Personen + 1 Kind, 1x Hütte 3 Personen + 1 Kind, 1x Hütte 2 Personen erst ab 07.06.25
Date from 2025-08-07 | Kemp Oáza 1 caravan (6m) including electricity with possibly a small tent next to it
Date from 2025-06-06 | Autocamp Osek 3 Stellplätze mit el. Anschluss, möglichst am Wasser, 2 Hunde
Date from 2025-08-20 | Autokemp BALDI Jesenice 1 place for a tent (4 person's tent) with electricity and preferably shadow