The guest house can be found at the edge of the mountain village of Celné. This guest house can be used for the whole year. The place is suitable for skiing classes, winter camps, schools in nature, summer camps, and family recreation. You can stay in the building or in the cottages.
Refreshment:Grocery and restaurant are in the village.
Swimming:You can bathe in several places: the rivulet of Tichá Orlice, dam of Pastviny (6 km), natural swimming pool in Jablonné (9 km), dam in Studené (3 km).
Sport and entertainment:For sport activities, there is a ping-pong and a bicycle renting office at your disposal.
Tourism » There are several places of interest around: border fortification, fortress of Bouda, Hanička, Zemská brána, Suchý vrch, CHKO Orlické Hory, Jiráskova cesta, ...
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