The recreational site of Zrůbek lies in a nice countryside on the bank of river Vltava, 1 km from the villages of Vestec and Hrachov, and appr. 9 km east of the town of Sedlčany. The camp is suitable for sportsmen, fishermen, vacationers, lovers of water sports and families with children.
Refreshment:There is a restaurant in the camp.
Swimming:You can bathe in a near-by river and a dam.
Sport and entertainment:In the camp, there are volleyball and football-tennis courts, a playground, and sports equipment renting office (badminton, pedal boats, bats, rackets, nets, balls, boats, a motorboat). You can fish here, too.
Tourism » There is a possibility of trips on water (by steamboat), you can also visit the castle torso of Zrůbek, castle ruins of Kamýk nad Vltavou, castle of Třebnice, Nalžovice, Čelina, Zduchovice, castle of Vysoký Chlumec, and many others.
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