The site is located above Český Dub in a gentle slope. Accommodation in heated cottages (shower, toilet, fridge, tea-kettle), it is possible to camp in tents here, too. Right in the site, there is a sports field and bicycle renting office, and not far from here, there is a summer swimming pool. In winter, you can use the ski slopes in near-by Ještěd.
Refreshment:restaurant in the site
Swimming:in near-by swimming pool
Sport and entertainment:Bicycles for rent. Playground.
Tourism » Sychrov (7 km) - castle
Arthurův hrad (7 km) - castle, ruins
Svijany (11 km) - castle
Loukovec (11 km) - castle
Děvín (11 km) - castle, ruins
Stohánek (12 km) - castle, ruins
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