The car-camp lies in the forest not far from the village of Dolní Kalná. You can stay in cottages, your own tents or caravans. The traffic channels are good, the area is 200 m far from the main road in the direction from Jičín to Trutnov.
Refreshment:For refreshment, there is a kiosk where you can buy basic food. In the village, you can find a grocery, a chemist, ...
Swimming:As a part of the camp, there is a swimming pool which is free for the accommodated guests.
Sport and entertainment:There is a volleyball court, football pitch and bicycle renting office.
Tourism » You can take a trip to near or far surroundings where you can find a lot of interesting places. For example, the Giant Mountains, Czech paradise, Adršpach-Teplice rocks, or ZOO in Dvůr Králové, are really worth visiting.
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