The camp is located in a beautiful area of Český ráj (Czech Paradise). The surroundings is full of natural and cultural sights which you should not miss. You can stay in cottages, bungalows, tents or caravans and all of this is for very keen prices.
Refreshment:In the camp, you can also find the restaurant Houba Lesní which offers ready food, and you can use the refreshment services or small grocery.
Swimming:You can bathe in the near reservoir with sandy beach.
Sport and entertainment:For sports, there is e.g. a beach-volleyball court.
Tourism » There are several tips for travelling. You can go and see the castles - Pecka, Trosky, Dětenice, Humprech, Staré Hrady or ZOO in Dvůr Králové, Prachov rocks and Český ráj (with a lot of natural attractions).
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