Car camp - restaurant - pension Stanowitz Stanoviste is located near Mariánské Lázně in picturesque countryside of hills of Slavkovský les on place with panoramic view over the spa town. Fields with run for horses and breed herds of deer complete the natural character of the place.
Refreshment:Restaurant with 40 spots has pleasant "old-fashioned" atmosphere, in summer time the sitting on terrace is very refreshing.
Swimming:Natural swimming pool about 4,5 km, pools in spa hotels 3km.
Sport and entertainment:In the surrounding it is possible apart from hiking and cycling to use golf court (18 holes, pair 72) and other sport facilities in bath center, in winter there are maintained routes for cross-country skying and skying center (cable car, tow) about 3km.
Tourism » You can visit Mariánské Lázně (cca 2,5 km),castle Kynžvart(9 km),hunting chateau Kladská(9 km),monastery Teplá(12 km),castle and chateau Bečov nad Teplou(25 km),Cheb(30 km),Františkovy Lázně(35 km),natural reserve Soos(35 km),Karlovy Vary(45 km),castle Loket(45 km).
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