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Algastro, s.r.o., Horní Maršov

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Algastro, s.r.o.

District: Trutnov
28. 04. 2011
From: Jolijn van Sleeuwen

In the period from 19 to 24 July, we go with a scouting group consisting of 12 persons on a three day hike. We will arrive on 19 July, we would like to set up our tents and then we will going to hike on 20, 21 and 22 July. On 22 July we come again and we would still like to stay two days, to do some cultural things. So a total of 5 nights is planned. So we are with a group of 12 young people and my question is, is there a place for us? And how much will this cost?

Jolijn van Sleeuwen
Scouting Boekel

Algastro, s.r.o.

District: Trutnov
11. 07. 2009
From: jana

taky se mi to nezdá) ale v okolí jiný \"kemp\" není(

Algastro, s.r.o.

District: Trutnov
08. 07. 2009
From: Lenka

Jak tak prohledávám internet, obávám se, že je to jen plácek u nějakého domu, žádný kemp... Jestli se pletu, opravte mě, budu jen ráda