Byli jsme tady pár dní v 2024, moc pěkný zajímavý kemp a docela velký asi 2ha mezi stromy. Kemp má přední část s velkou chalupou kde bydlí provozovatel a je tam k pronájmu apartmán, dále je tam asi 6míst pro karavan a pár pro stan, ohniště, stolek a lavky, spol.soc.zařízení. Druhá část je vzadu posečená louka mezi stromy s docela velkym prostorem pro výběr místa, jen je v mírném svahu. Všude jsou přípojky elekřiny, večer klid, blízko na Dolní Moravu a Králík, majitelka prodává lahvové pivo. Kdo chce klid od ruchu turistů a zároveň být jen 4km daleko je to ideální kemp:)
Small family camp - at the foot of the Králický Sněžník mountain range. Only 4 km from the TOP mountain resort of Dolní Morava with a unique trail Sky walk. Well-being and tranquility under the watershed of three moors.
Opening hours irregular, depending on weather and interest. We recommend to make an appointment in advance by phone (or by phone). July and August still in operation.
We have places for your tents and several caravans or motor homes. Tent meadow with mature trees, seating area, fireplace and smokehouse.
Surroundings just meadows, forests, stream, mountains and view of the monastery on the hill.
Location excellent for hiking or cycling and other activities in the mountain and foothills. Králicko is also sought after by lovers of military history, as it has the densest network of military fortifications from the period of I. rep.
There is a network of marked trails, several lookout towers, children's "Mammoth Park", rope park, bobsleigh track, chairlift, cycling trails etc ...
We are a campsite especially for lovers of mountains and nature, where night peace is kept after 22:00 and noisy visitors are not tolerated.